How Colleges Make Use of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a thing of the movies. It is trickling into all areas of our lives year after year. As the technologies used in the development of AI-based technologies evolve, so do the possibilities and uses. As with many industries out there, universities know that AI provides a much easier and more effective way of doing business. The idea of working smarter, not harder, is possible with help from these AI uses you can find right on campus. 

In 2019, AI in education was estimated to make up about $1.1 billion within the market of education. As this trend continues and makes its way further onto college campuses, it is estimated to reach $25.7 billion by 2030. With such a huge push for a more digital way of doing things, it should be no surprise that education will benefit. Some of the top ways that college campuses worldwide are benefitting from adding a bit of AI to the mix are listed below. 

Say Hello to Chatbots

Chatbots are becoming more and more common across the web. They often present themselves as those small pop-up boxes that ask if you need help. If you have ever typed into one, you know that what follows are automated answers in an attempt to help solve your issues without the need to speak to anyone. You can use chatbots to ask many questions or requests like ‘write my essay.’ This will result in services or other technologies that can get the job done for you to sail through your semester with ease.

Several universities have adopted their chatbot to help students. Depending on its programming, AI has a way of advancing the more information it comes into contact with. It contributes to its “personality” if we can use such a word. The results are answers to burning questions about curriculum, assignments, or even the course, working as a personal assistant for students and professors alike. It’s a quick, easy, and hassle-free way to get answers or directions fast; who doesn’t need that?     

College Admissions 

Every semester, students have to deal with the hassle of enrollment. Every subject has a limit or a prerequisite that makes it merely impossible to get things done. The system crashes from lack of big data management and many procrastinators that seem to be signing up for classes all at the same time. Instead of relying on luck to get in and get enrolled, colleges are looking toward AI for sophisticated solutions. 

The college admissions process will be more personable and run much smoother thanks to the help of AI. Things like housing, course registration, and even overall grades from past semesters can be taken care of with help from an automated process that takes the hassle out of the admissions process. AI makes it easier and quicker than ever before, from submitting documents and essays to getting help with the application process. 

Retention Efforts Will Improve 

AI and technology can use collected data and in-depth analysis to point out trends and spot outliers. This way, it is the perfect technology to detect issues and habits for new and incoming students. Some many students enroll in a university only to discover that they suffer from a learning disability. While some seek help, others become discouraged and drop out, missing an opportunity to work toward a solution. 

That is where AI can help, working to trigger early warning signs of learning and retention disabilities. Some students perform better in online platforms on education instead of in class. Others do better in small-scale classes with fewer students and more one-to-one time with instructors. Either way, AI has the power to analyze and point out trends to help students identify issues and work through them. 

Discussion Platforms 

This year, online discussion platforms have reached new heights. With most of the world forced inside and large institutions moving to online classes, interactive and sophisticated online discussions were necessary. These AI-inspired platforms helped professors manage classes with hundreds of students and even put some social feedback into the classroom. Interactive discussion boards were one of the hottest college startup ideas of 2020 and are sure to keep upgrading as we make our way into 2021. Instead of just allowing students and professors to communicate, these discussion boards with AI influence can: 

  • Identify problematic posts 
  • Highlight useful comments 
  • Provide ways to manage conversations and comments 
  • Help professors and students filter through extensive discussions 

These online discussions are a new way to hold a class, and the only way to have an in-depth discussion is to share ideas with classmates. Instead of holding a class with tons of video cameras connected, these discussion boards make communication and sharing much more manageable, organizing everything. 

AI Is Here to Stay

With all of the positive and practical uses of AI, it is defiantly here to stay. It gives something to all educational system levels, from administrators to professors, to students, and more. The trends around college campuses possible with AI’s help are predicted to improve and may very well be behind a whole new way of learning. 

2020 took us all for a ride and had us relying on technology more than ever. 2021 might not be much different, something that we will have to discover day by day. One thing is for sure, the use of AI to help improve college life is here to stay and set to reach new and exciting levels as it continues to advance. 

From chatbots to discussion boards and admissions, AI uses around campuses are just a few examples of the immense progress and broad acceptance of this new technology at all levels of education. As we enter a new decade, we’re sure to see some pretty exciting developments that change the way we learn. Technology facilitates education, makes people closer even when they are physically distanced, and helps achieve individual educational goals. Thus, as one can note, the future of education definitely rests with technological advancement. The way educational systems cater to the student needs mostly depends on the speed of technology adoption. 

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